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Systematic review found that aerobic exercise during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Interventions were varied and the certainty of the evidence was not assessed.

Commonly occurring pregnancy complications include gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Evidence to date regarding the effects of exercise on pregnancy complications and outcomes is inconsistent. This systematic review aimed to estimate the effects of aerobic exercise during pregnancy compared…


A revisão sistemática encontrou que o exercício aeróbico durante a gestação pode reduzir a incidência de diabetes mellitus gestacional e hipertensão gestacional. As intervenções foram variadas e a certeza da evidência não foi avaliada

As complicações comuns na gestação incluem diabetes mellitus gestacional e hipertensão gestacional. Até o momento, as evidências sobre os efeitos do exercício nas complicações e nos resultados da gravidez são inconsistentes. Essa revisão sistemática teve o objetivo de estimar os…


Today is International Translation Day!

PEDro is a global resource of over 59,000 trials, reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions. The PEDro website is currently available in 17 languages and the monthly PEDro newsletters, blogs and social media posts are available in English and Portuguese….


Hoje é o Dia Internacional da Tradução!

O PEDro é um recurso global com mais de 59.000 estudos clínicos, revisões e diretrizes que avaliam intervenções de fisioterapia. O website do PEDro está atualmente disponível em 17 idiomas e as newsletters mensais, blogs e postagens nas redes sociais…


Next DiTA update (October 2023)

The next DiTA update is on 9 October 2023. The post Next DiTA update (October 2023) first appeared on PEDro.


As próxima atualização da DiTA (Outubro 2023)

A próxima atualização da DiTA será na próxima segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023 The post As próxima atualização da DiTA (Outubro 2023) first appeared on PEDro.


The Virtual Reality Revolution: Transforming rehabilitation through innovation

This is the third guest post in a series written by Jason Giesbrecht – Physiopedia Plus Instructor, Senior Healthcare Leader and Physiotherapist. Welcome to the forefront of healthcare innovation. With the mere donning of a headset, patients and physiotherapists alike find themselves in…


Updating skills and applying them through clinical case studies on Week 3 of the Physiopedia MOOC

Wow, it is hard to believe we are already at the end of Week 3 of this year’s massive open online course (MOOC). As MOOC Manager I am really enjoying spending time completing the MOOC courses alongside you all, and…


Multidisciplinary learning and hands on skills training improves management of SCI patients in Pakistan

Rehabilitation professionals from a variety of professions came together in Pakistan this month to practice hands-on skills and share their knowledge and experience in managing spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. A practical skills training session on SCI was held at…


Try the new Plus discussion forum for interactive learning with colleagues from across our global community

Physiopedia Plus (Plus) has launched a new, interactive discussion forum which allows members from the Plus global community to network, connect, and share experiences.  It has exciting features to deliver a user-friendly experience allowing learners to reflect on, discuss and…