Revisão sistemática encontrou que a reabilitação domiciliar não é diferente da reabilitação em centro de reabilitação para melhorar incapacidades e limitações de atividades em adultos pós-AVC
Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo estimar os efeitos dos exercícios domiciliares em comparação com os exercícios em centros de reabilitação para melhorar a destreza motora, recuperação, força, desempenho do movimento do membro superior, qualidade do movimento do membro superior…
Top Contributor July 2023 | Ahmed Diab
Top Contributor – Ahmed Diab We are delighted to shine a spotlight on Ahmed Diab, a dedicated and passionate Physiopedia volunteer whose unwavering commitment and enthusiasm have made him an important contributor to Physiopedia content. Ahmed is very active on…
Empowering excellence in global rehabilitation efforts
Honouring the Trailblazers through the Annual Physiopedia Awards Physiopedia embodies a dynamic and trailblazing spirit, fueled by passion and collaboration, where every individual plays a pivotal role and has the opportunity to flourish while contributing to a greater purpose. Rehabilitation…
Building an effective and confident GESI rehabilitation workforce
It is widely understood that there is a global need for the development of a Gender Equality And Social Inclusion (GESI) responsive rehabilitation workforce. However, research has shown that students and clinicians are not adequately trained to be GESI-responsive. This…
Interprofessional rehabilitation education: Developments, opportunities and benefits through ReLAB-HS
In late April, the Physiopedia team traveled to Guadalajara, Mexico, to attend the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) World Congress. This was an excellent opportunity to not only present some of the key activities that are being implemented…
New courses on Physiopedia Plus address your fundamental knowledge needs
A new series of courses on Physiopedia Plus (Plus) has been developed to help support students, new graduates and educators with learning and teaching fundamental knowledge topics in rehabilitation. It is distressing to feel lacking in knowledge or skill. Perhaps…
Will artificial intelligence and machine learning revolutionise physiotherapy?
This is the second guest post in a series written by Jason Giesbrecht – Physiopedia Plus Instructor, Senior Healthcare Leader and Physiotherapist. Greetings PhysioFuturists, Welcome to a future that isn’t a distant dream but an emergent reality. As we traverse the labyrinth of the 21st…
Bridging the gap from clinician to online instructor to promote knowledge sharing for a global audience
Presenting an online video presentation is an intimidating task for most clinicians, whose expertise lies in the clinical setting and not necessarily in the realm of presenting content to a camera. The Physiopedia Plus (Plus) team have developed tools to…
Top Contributor Aug 2023 | Lauren Heydenrych
We are thrilled to spotlight Lauren Heydenrych, a remarkable individual who has enriched the Physiopedia community with her contributions and passion for pediatric content. Lauren is also a regular writer for Physiospot and routinely attends team meetings despite her “load-shedding”…
Clinical Skills Training and the power of mentoring, a clinical success story in Burma
Currently, in Burma, there have been very limited opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of rehabilitation professionals and also increased rehabilitation needs due to political instabilities. The ReLAB-HS Clinical Skills Training Programme in Burma is providing a great opportunity to…