

Physiotherapy is Handling: Then and Now

The seminal paper “Physiotherapy is Handling” was presented by Joyce Williams at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) Founders’ Lecture at the CSP Annual Congress in 1985 and was reproduced in the Physiotherapy Journal in February 1986 (Vol.72, no.2).  Joyce’s…


Physical Therapy’s Oscar Winning Film

On the 75th anniversary of its production we look back at the profession’s 1949 Oscar winning film. ‘Toward Independence’ is a 1948 American short documentary film about the rehabilitation of military veterans with spinal cord injuries. In 1949, it won…


A Micro History of Physiotherapy in Italy

If we accept the etymology of physiotherapy as phìsis (natural) therapy, one of the oldest practice might seen in be the use of vapour grottoes in the territory of Sciacca (South of Italy) since the 5th century A.D. In Roman…


America’s first Physical Therapist

Whilst Mary McMillan is lauded as the mother of the American Physical Therapy Association, the nation’s first ‘practitioner’ was more likely Charles Fayette Taylor, who brought the therapeutic exercises and massage of the Swedish Movement Cure to New York half…


Systematic review found that aerobic exercise during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Interventions were varied and the certainty of the evidence was not assessed.

Commonly occurring pregnancy complications include gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Evidence to date regarding the effects of exercise on pregnancy complications and outcomes is inconsistent. This systematic review aimed to estimate the effects of aerobic exercise during pregnancy compared…


Treinamento online PEDro

Você sabia que o PEDro realiza treinamento on-line para fisioterapeutas e profissionais de saúde que procuram melhorar suas habilidades de prática baseada em evidências? Não importa onde você mora, você pode acessar o treinamento on-line PEDro. Para participar, basta inscrever-se…


Online PEDro training

No matter where you live, you can access online training with PEDro. To participate, simply subscribe and login to the training session whenever it is convenient for you. Online training is currently available in English and Portuguese. The training includes…


Infográfico: Revisão sistemática descobriu que a reabilitação domiciliar não é diferente da reabilitação em centro de reabilitação para melhorar incapacidades e limitações de atividades em adultos pós-AVC.

No mês passado, resumimos a revisão sistemática de Nascimento et al. 2022. A revisão concluiu que isso indica que o local onde os exercícios são realizados é menos importante do que a quantidade e o tipo de exercício. Isso pode…


Infographic: Systematic review found that home-based rehabilitation is not different from centre based rehabilitation for improving impairments and activity limitations in adults with stroke.

Last month we summarised the systematic review by Nascimento et al 2022. The review concluded that the location where exercises take place is less important than the amount and type of exercise. This may have implications for people with limited…


As próxima atualização da DiTA (Outubro 2023)

A próxima atualização da DiTA será na próxima segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023 The post As próxima atualização da DiTA (Outubro 2023) first appeared on PEDro.