
Physio Uncategorized

A Brief History of Physiotherapy in The Netherlands

Rise of Remedial Gymnastics and Massage in the 19th Century Physiotherapy, as it is now known, in the Netherlands has its origins in the first half of the 19th century.  The forerunners were healing gymnasts and masseurs who came from…

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Forty Years of Dutch Manual Therapy

Introduction The 40th anniversary of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Manuele Therapie (NVMT) in 2021 was a trigger for this historical review by Huub Vossen and Anton de Wijer.  Their writings were translated to English via an online translation application and…

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The Bonesetters of Brittany

In the Brittany (Western France) of yesteryear, there was a dearth of medical doctors practicing in the rural areas and when one could be found, his professional services were rarely affordable. Traditional healing treatments and remedies were therefore widely used;…

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When Giants Collide: The Birth of Manipulative Physiotherapy

The following article is based on an article titled “History of IFOMT” by David W Lamb, Freddy M Kaltenborn and Stanley V Paris.  The three authors were pioneering leaders in their field and drivers of the formation of the, now…

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Reflections on two unique and great women who served as presidents of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Baroness Boothroyd and Baroness Masham who both died during the early months of this year were unique and great women who achieved and gave so much to Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).   The CSP was fortunate to benefit from…