Content on the German, Polish, Chinese, French language PEDro websites has now been updated! Thank you to our collaborators for kindly translating the content.

German: Cordula Braun and Stefan Hegenscheidt

Polish: Maciej Płaszewski, Weronika Krzepkowska, Zbigniew Wroński

Chinese (simplified): Siya Zhao, Zixin Zhang, Qi Lu

French: Claudia Cote-Picard, Magda Costa Castany, François-Xavier Dessus, Guillaume Galliou, Matthieu Guemann, Erwan le Guenne, Elodie Louvion, Valentin Vaillant

The post Content on the German, Polish, Chinese, French language PEDro websites has now been updated! Thank you to our collaborators for kindly translating the content. first appeared on PEDro.

The post Content on the German, Polish, Chinese, French language PEDro websites has now been updated! Thank you to our collaborators for kindly translating the content. appeared first on PEDro.


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