Lviv State University of Physical Culture thanks Physiopedia for support in developing academic programmes

Lviv State University of Physical Culture in Ukraine thanks Physiopedia for supporting the improvement of educational programmes at the university through the International Rehabilitation Education and Training Toolkit (IRETT).

There is a growing need for rehabilitation services in Ukraine, which requires a skilled workforce of rehabilitation professionals. In response to this the Lviv State University of Physical Culture in Ukraine has been working to strengthen their educational programme for Masters in Physical Therapy and the speciality of rehabilitation at the University.

As part of the USAID funded ReLAB-HS activity, and included in the IRETT, the team at Physiopedia have developed the Academic Program Reflection Tool (APRT). The APRT is a practical guide to support the development and review of academic programmes for the rehabilitation professions. This tool is being implemented in Ukraine as part of USAID funded Strengthening Rehabilitation Services in Health Systems (SRSHS) activity which is implemented by Momentum Wheels for Humanity. In a close collaboration between the team at Physiopedia and the university, the APRT has been used to help ensure that academic programmes at the university prepare the workforce with knowledge, skills, and behaviours that align with global standards.

Almost two years of close and systematic cooperation with foreign experts, in particular, Larisa Hoffman, allowed us to analyse the educational program for masters in physical therapy step by step and improve knowledge of modern approaches to using Academic Program Reflection Tool of the IRETT with universities. This cooperation gave a significant stimulus to the improvement of the educational program, motivation to develop for the teachers involved in the cooperation, and to continue the development of the specialty at the university. Ivan Bobersky Lviv State Physical Culture University is sincerely grateful for the trust of Physiopedia and its involvement in the project. We look forward to continuing our cooperation and are ready to share our knowledge with colleagues from other higher education institutions.

In appreciation of this collaboration, details have been published on the university’s official website. A big thanks to the hard work of the Physiopedia and university teams involved in this project, including Larisa Hoffman, Olha Kovalchuk, Kateryna Tymruk-Skoropad and Liubov Tsizh.

With the growing need for rehabilitation due to the ongoing war, and the support of USAID, Physiopedia is dedicated to strengthening rehabilitation services in Ukraine. There is ongoing collaboration with universities to support the improvement of education and training, with service providers to develop professional development opportunities and with professional associations to support professionalisation of the rehabilitation professions. 



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