Infographic: Systematic review found that progressive resistance exercise training increased muscle strength in people with cerebral palsy and was maintained for at least 11 weeks when compared to no intervention.

Last month we summarised the systematic review by Bania et al 2023. The review concluded that progressive resistance exercise training increased muscle strength in people with cerebral palsy and was maintained for at least 11 weeks when compared to no intervention.

Some findings are included in this infographic.




















Bania, TA, Taylor, NF, Chiu, HS & Charitaki, G 2023 “What are the optimum training parameters of progressive resistance exercise for changes in muscle function, activity and participation in people with cerebral palsy? A systematic review and meta-regression”, Physiotherapy, 119, 1-16.

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The post Infographic: Systematic review found that progressive resistance exercise training increased muscle strength in people with cerebral palsy and was maintained for at least 11 weeks when compared to no intervention. first appeared on PEDro.


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