Give the gift of recognition with a Physiopedia Award nomination

Physiopedia is the result of voluntary contributions from an amazing group of altruistic individuals and organisations that wish to contribute to public knowledge related to rehabilitation. The Physiopedia Awards Programme recognises and features the diligence and efforts of people who have made significant and impactful contributions through Physiopedia. It’s time for your nominations!

If you have appreciated the impact of someone’s work through Physiopedia, let’s spread the word! Join in and let us celebrate the important and meaningful work happening around the world. Nominating someone for an award is a simple yet powerful way to show appreciation, motivate and engage with others. Here are just a few good reasons for nominating someone today: 

Show appreciation: Recognising someone’s work shows that you appreciate their efforts and value their contributions. This can help to build positive relationships and create a sense of goodwill between individuals, organisations and the global rehabilitation community.  

Increase motivation: You can increase their motivation and encourage them to continue performing at a high level. The sky’s the limit when a person is fueled by motivation.

Improve morale: Your nomination can boost morale and create a positive work environment, which will continue the effects of producing high-quality rehabilitation resources, powered by Physiopedia.

Reinforce positive outcomes: Help us produce meaningful rehabilitation resources through teamwork, creativity and innovation.

Build confidence: You can boost someone’s professional confidence and self-esteem. This in turn can encourage them to take on new challenges and continue to develop their skills.

Anyone can nominate a candidate for the annual Physiopedia awards, and in turn, be nominated. Awards are decided by the awards committee annually in June with winners in the following categories announced in July:

Physiopedia Superstar – Outstanding contribution by an individual.
Best Physiopedia Project – Most impactful project in partnership with Physiopedia.
Social Media Impact Award – Individual who has made the most impact via social media.
Physiospot Superstar – Individual with the most impactful Physiospot article.
Outstanding Leadership – Individual that has demonstrated great leadership.
Innovation Award – Most forward-thinking and creative contributions.
Impact Award – The individual that has made the greatest impact to rehabilitation through their contribution to Physiopedia.

Help us show that contributions are seen and valued. Give the gift of appreciation through the Physiopedia Awards programme. Your nominations are due by 17 June 2023 12:00 (noon) GMT.

Nominate Today



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