Infográfico: Revisão sistemática encontrou que no pós-operatório de fratura de quadril em idosos, um programa de exercícios estruturado melhorou a função física, a mobilidade e a independência nas AVDs comparado com a atividade física regular ou nenhum exercício.
No mês passado, resumimos a revisão sistemática de Lang et al. 2022. A revisão concluiu que no pós-operatório de fratura de quadril em idosos, um programa de exercícios estruturado melhorou a função física, a mobilidade e a independência nas AVDs…
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work. April 28 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. It promotes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. Make sure you stay up-to-date…
Dia Mundial da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Um ambiente de trabalho seguro e saudável é um princípio fundamental e um direito no trabalho. 28 de abril é o Dia Mundial da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho. Promove a prevenção de acidentes e doenças ocupacionais em todo o…
Systematic review found that physical therapy interventions including aerobic exercise and multimodal approaches are beneficial in treating adolescent and young adult athletes post-concussion
This systematic review aimed to investigate the effects of physical therapy interventions compared to alternative treatments in adolescent and young adult athletes post-concussion. Articles were included if they were randomized controlled-trials, had participants who were athletes under the age of…
Revisão sistemática descobriu que as intervenções fisioterapêuticas, incluindo exercícios aeróbicos e abordagens multimodais, são benéficas no tratamento de atletas adolescentes e jovens adultos pós-concussão
Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos das intervenções fisioterapêuticas em comparação com tratamentos alternativos em atletas adolescentes e adultos jovens pós-concussão. Os artigos incluídos foram pesquisas originais, um ensaio clínico randomizado. Os participantes eram atletas com menos…
The connected physiotherapist: How telemonitoring, wearables and IoT devices will revolutionize rehab
This is the ninth guest post in a series written by Jason Giesbrecht – Physiopedia Plus Instructor, Senior Healthcare Leader and Physiotherapist. In the tapestry of technological evolution, the art of physiotherapy is undergoing a renaissance. As we navigate through the interconnected world of telemonitoring,…
Top Contributor March 2024 | Kateryna Tymruk-Skoropad
The Physiopedia team is thrilled to highlight Kateryna Tymruk-Skoropad’s work. Kateryna is a hard-working and kind person with a smile that always brightens up the days of the Plus team. In addition to translating, she helps review and assign courses…
Bringing physical activity to rural communities through a multi-day ReLAB-HS training event in Pakistan
The experience of participating in an interactive exercise promotion programme during a recent multi-day training event in Pakistan sparked numerous physical activity projects that will reach communities far beyond the meeting participants and have a lasting impact in rural Pakistan….
Angela Patterson awarded the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) International Service Award
During the 2024 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Inspire Conference this month we are delighted to hear that Angela Patterson was awarded the International Service Award for her Physiopedia work towards developing the international rehabilitation workforce. The AOTA supports occupational…
Lviv State University of Physical Culture thanks Physiopedia for support in developing academic programmes
Lviv State University of Physical Culture in Ukraine thanks Physiopedia for supporting the improvement of educational programmes at the university through the International Rehabilitation Education and Training Toolkit (IRETT). There is a growing need for rehabilitation services in Ukraine, which…