Revisão sistemática encontrou que a reabilitação cardíaca baseada em exercícios não afeta a mortalidade por todas as causas em pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca
Pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca apresentam baixa tolerância ao exercício, baixa qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS), aumento do risco de mortalidade e internação hospitalar, e altos custos de saúde. Uma revisão Cochrane de 2018 encontrou que a reabilitação cardíaca…
Infográfico: Revisão sistemática encontrou que as intervenções que promovem o enfrentamento e incentivam o movimento e a atividade foram mais eficazes para as disfunções temporomandibulares
Algumas descobertas estão incluídas neste infográfico. Acesse o resumo completo no blog do PEDro Yao L, Sadeghirad B, Li…
As próximas atualizações do PEDro e DiTA (julho 2024)
As próximas atualizações do PEDro e DiTA serão na próxima segunda-feira 1 de julho de 2024. The post As próximas atualizações do PEDro e DiTA (julho 2024) first appeared on PEDro.
Join our live Parkinson’s disease case study webinar this week and claim your free infographic and resources
Join us on Saturday 1 June to improve your clinical evaluation of Parkinson’s disease with expert physiotherapist Bhanu Ramaswamy and claim your free resources on Parkinson’s disease to prepare. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder mostly presenting in later life….
Women’s health resources for rehabilitation professionals on Physiopedia and Physiopedia Plus
To commemorate today’s International Day of Action for Women’s Health, check out these resources from Physiopedia and Physiopedia Plus (Plus) to learn about the health issues that affect women and will have an impact on your clinical practice. Women make…
A Distinctive Style
In September 1940, in the dark days of the Second World War, Denmark was occupied by Germany and Rudie Agersnap was elected chairman of the Danish Massage Association. Restrictions and rationing brought challenges for the profession, with a lack of…
Regenerating the future: Harnessing tomorrow’s therapies in physiotherapy
This is the eleventh guest post in a series written by Jason Giesbrecht – Physiopedia Plus Instructor, Senior Healthcare Leader and Physiotherapist. Welcome to a thrilling exploration of regenerative therapies, where the future of physiotherapy is being reshaped with every advancement. As we…
PEDro Scale Training Program
PEDro is celebrating 25 years of informing evidence-based practice. One way has been through the PEDro Scale Training Program which helps PEDro users learn how to assess physiotherapy trials for methodological quality using the PEDro scale. The program provides you…
Programa de Treinamento para a Escala PEDro
O PEDro está comemorando 25 anos informando a prática baseada em evidências. Uma maneira tem sido através do Programa de Treinamento para a Escala PEDro que ajuda os usuários do PEDro a aprender como avaliar os ensaios de fisioterapia quanto…
Stay up-to-date with the latest research with PEDro
This year we aim to celebrate 25 years of PEDro! PEDro aims to maximise the effectiveness of physiotherapy services by facilitating the clinical application of the best available evidence. The PEDro Partnership believes that “effective physiotherapy is people-centred, prevention-focused, safe…