Month: September 2024


Physiotherapists in Italy you can now get your approved continuing education through Physiopedia Plus!

Physiopedia Plus (Plus) is now an approved provider for AGENAS, with all online courses on Plus now accredited for continuing education, opening up a whole world of online learning to physiotherapists in Italy with hundreds of courses available to learn…


Sharing how AI is revolutionising rehabilitation at the Second All-Ukrainian Congress on Physical Therapy

At the Second All-Ukrainian Congress on Physical Therapy, Physiopedia’s Jorge Rodríguez shared with participants how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming clinical decision-making, helping design management programmes and improving communication between professionals and patients and he encouraged discussion of the use…


Spreading the word on rehabilitation – three conference presentations from the Physiopedia team last week!!

Last week the Physiopedia team were very much focused on sharing knowledge related to physiotherapy, rehabilitation and technology, with team members presenting at three different international conferences. The Physiopedia mission is to improve access to physiotherapy and wider rehabilitation knowledge …


Register now to become a master AI user with this FREE massive open online course starting Monday 7 October

Between Monday 7 October and Friday 15 November 2024 join thousands of colleagues from around the world in becoming a master AI user for clinical practice, education and research. This year’s FREE Physiopedia massive open online course (MOOC) is focussing…


Avaliação do PEDro ao longo de 25 anos – Similaridades e diferenças

O PEDro é único. Cada estudo clínico indexado no PEDro é avaliado quanto à qualidade metodológica por pelo menos dois avaliadores independentes treinados pelo PEDro. Este mês, destacamos a inestimável contribuição dos avaliadores para o PEDro. Por 25 anos, os…


PEDro rating over 25 years – Similarities and differences

PEDro is unique. Each clinical trial indexed on PEDro is assessed for methodological quality by at least two independent PEDro-trained Raters. This month, we highlight the invaluable contribution of Raters to PEDro. For 25 years, PEDro Raters have been critical…


What are the benefits of PEDro rating?

An article on the benefits of being a Rater was published in the Editorial Fandim JV, Crowe-Owen L, Romanyshyn M, Chan SWW. Reasons to become a volunteer Rater for the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro). Journal of Physiotherapy 2022;68(4): 215-217. Some…


Quais são os benefícios de realizar avaliações no PEDro?

Um artigo sobre os benefícios de ser um avaliador foi publicado no Editorial Fandim JV, Crowe-Owen L, Romanyshyn M, Chan SWW. Reasons to become a volunteer Rater for the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro). Journal of Physiotherapy 2022;68(4): 215-217. Alguns benefícios…


How to become a PEDro Rater?

PEDro Raters typically have a background in physiotherapy, or a related field, and a strong interest in evidence-based practice and help shape the physiotherapy profession. This includes clinicians, educators, academics and students. Register and complete the PEDro Training Program. This…