Women’s health resources for rehabilitation professionals on Physiopedia and Physiopedia Plus

To commemorate today’s International Day of Action for Women’s Health, check out these resources from Physiopedia and Physiopedia Plus (Plus) to learn about the health issues that affect women and will have an impact on your clinical practice.

Women make up ~50% of the global population and all rehabilitation professionals need a solid understanding of the health issues affecting women. However, women’s health is often overlooked during training for rehabilitation professionals and important health issues that will impact patient outcomes are missed in women.

Today marks the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, calling for inclusive, accessible and available sexual and reproductive information. In support of this, we have pulled together some great resources from Physiopedia and Plus on women’s health issues that you will likely see in your clinical practice, but might not have realised.

Open access Physiopedia pages on women’s health

Physiopedia is a charity that provides the largest rehabilitation knowledge resource in the world used by people in every corner of the world. It is free to access for everyone, everywhere.

Don’t miss the important health considerations affecting half of your patients; check out this comprehensive open access Physiopedia page available on women’s health:

Common women’s pelvic health conditions covers the pelvic floor, pelvic health conditions, pelvic organ prolapse and persistent pelvic pain.

Women’s health courses through Plus online learning

Plus online learning is a member-only continuing education and professional development platform powered by Physiopedia. Subscriptions to Plus provide support for people in conflict affected and low income countries (giving them free access to Plus), as well as keeping the Physiopedia website free and open to all.

Plus currently has 16 courses on women’s health issues by 6 different expert instructors. All free to Plus members (join here):

The basics of pelvic health

Introduction to Women’s Pelvic Health
Female Pelvic Floor Muscle Anatomy and Physiology
Common Women’s Pelvic Health Conditions
Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment of the Pelvic Floor
Introduction to Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)

Pregnancy, childbirth and beyond

The PGM Method – Pregnancy and Postpartum Considerations
Childbirth and the Pelvic Floor
Postpartum Pelvic Floor Considerations
Diastasis Recti Abdominis and Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction

Menarche and menopause

Menarche and Menopause transitions during the lifespan

Sport and exercise considerations

Current Guidelines and Recommendations for Postnatal Exercise
Rehabilitation Considerations for Return to Activity and Exercise Following a Caesarean Section
Facilitating Return to Exercise Postnatally
Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport

Pain and trauma

Integrative Approaches for Pelvic Pain in Trauma Recovery
Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction Case Studies

What will you learn today?

Physiopedia Plus is a subscription site that offers internationally accredited continuing education and professional development opportunities for the global rehabilitation community in 6 languages.

Your subscription fees fund the Physiopedia charity website to keep it updated and openly accessible to all.

Your subscription also provides FREE access to Plus for rehabilitation professionals in low income countries.

There are also discounts available depending on where you live and for students.


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