Stay up-to-date with the latest research with PEDro

This year we aim to celebrate 25 years of PEDro! PEDro aims to maximise the effectiveness of physiotherapy services by facilitating the clinical application of the best available evidence. The PEDro Partnership believes that “effective physiotherapy is people-centred, prevention-focused, safe and technically proficient, based on the best evidence available, and managed efficiently”.

To stay up-to-date with the latest clinical guidelines, systematic reviews and clinical trials, subscribe to PEDro’s Evidence in your inbox. Evidence in your inbox is a monthly email with the latest evidence in your chosen area of physiotherapy. You can select evidence from multiple feeds including cardiothoracics, continence and women’s health, ergonomics and occupational health, gerontology, musculoskeletal, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, paediatrics, sports, cerebral palsy, chronic pain, chronic respiratory disease, neurotrauma and whiplash.

PEDro also shares monthly summaries of important systematic reviews and infographics. These are shared in English and Portuguese on the PEDro blog, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter (X) and Instagram.

The post Stay up-to-date with the latest research with PEDro first appeared on PEDro.


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