Using PEDro to answer your clinical questions


This year PEDro has been informing physiotherapy practice for 25 years! It is a free database of over 60,000 trials, reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions. This means there’s a lot of research for you to look through to find what you’re looking for.

Luckily, PEDro has tutorials and resources to help you refine your search to answer your clinical questions and enhance your skills in evidence-based practice.

You can use PEDro tutorials for more information about how to ask a clinical question on PEDro, what makes a trial valid, and how to determine if the therapy is clinically useful.

PEDro’s Search help includes further information on how to perform and refine your search on PEDro. This includes tips before you start searching, use of wildcards, combining search terms, what to do when missing an abstract, how to access full text, and how to select records.

The 2021 You Ask #PEDroAnswers campaign provides examples and tips on how to search PEDro to answer your clinical questions.

The post Using PEDro to answer your clinical questions first appeared on PEDro.


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