Top 5 free downloads from the Rehabilitation Resource Repository so far this year

More than 6000 people visit the Relab-HS Rehabilitation Resource Repository every month to get free downloads of resources and in January there were 5 clear favourites downloaded, we’ve included the links here for you.

There are a plethora of excellent evidence-based resources developed by rehabilitation stakeholders worldwide that include guidelines, manuals and toolkits. These resources, relating to the development and delivery of rehabilitation services, are extremely useful to organisations and individuals working to strengthen rehabilitation services within health systems. However, sometimes they can be difficult to discover amongst the wealth of health information available on the web.

The aim of the ReLAB-HS Rehabilitation Resource Repository is to improve discoverability of and access to high quality rehabilitation-related publications. It is the place to go if you need guidance, frameworks and documents related to rehabilitation. It is an easy to use, comprehensive, open and searchable repository of high quality, evidence based publications created by organisations that support the global rehabilitation community, and the site is translated into French, Spanish and Ukrainian. You can access the repository on mobile devices or a computer and anywhere you have an internet connection. The repository was set up to make it easy to find resources that inform service provision as well as guide the design and implementation of much needed rehabilitation services.

New resources are being added to the repository daily and every month thousands of rehabilitation professionals visit the site to access the free downloads. Here are the top 5 most viewed resources from this year so far, just follow the links to download for free.

Guideline for non-surgical management of chronic primary low back pain in adults in primary and community care settings
Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health: guidance on large multi-modal models
A Practical Manual for using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Promoting physical activity for older people: a toolkit for action
Technical guidance on comprehensive risk assessment and planning in the context of climate change


This repository is not just for downloads, if you have a resource you think should be included then you can check our inclusion criteria and upload your document for consideration here and share your work with the global rehabilitation community!

This work is supported by the USAID funded Learning Acting Building for Rehabilitation in Health Systems (ReLAB-HS) project and is not possible without the generous and committed contribution of the Leahy War Victims fund.

ReLAB-HS is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and
is implemented under cooperative agreement number 7200AA20CA00033. The consortium is managed by prime recipient, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


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